May 7, 2012

How far does this PC bullsh**t reach ?

A "Blackbird"  (Turdus merula)  by any other name would smell as sweet and look as black!

Now way you gonna call me no Redbird ! Hate commies !

One of the first and most remarkable blacklisting investigations was instigated by the "House Un-American Activities" in the fifties. They were actually looking for " a red under the bed" 
in the Hollywood film industry... 
Senator McCarthy had his 15 minutes, we remeber him for his eponym.

 Red- or green list "avant la lettre".
Thx Jo. Biggots still remember you fondly!

An night out in London can land you in serious PC trouble. After a blackout, don't call for a black cab on ur Blackberry.
Think pink!

Not fluo

Jesus, the PM asked me to highlight the important things
 I lost my green fluo highlihter.
I know i missed an impotant word somewhere.
Hope he doesn't catch up on it.

Politicians and Bankers don't like the idea of money floating around.
If it's out there we can't control it.
But we can't print ,.... ever .
Let's give it a fluo spin!

By 2030 there won't be black markets no more.

But, hopefully, there'll be other colours.

In loving memory 


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